Motivational Monday* ♡ KEEP IMPROVING

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

 source: pinterest

For the last little while I've been pulling together images to refresh my portfolio; it's amazing how work you were so proud of at the time is so easily picked apart even a few months in the future. Although I haven't ventured too far back (we just pretend those really old images don't exist, cringe cring cringe), there is nothing like looking at old work to smack you in the face with a wee reminder that we are all constantly learning.

It seems to easy, the more you create = the more you improve, but sometimes it's a struggle to see this regardless of it's simplicity. Sometimes it can feel like we're producing 'better' things than others but, as cheesy as it sounds, the only competition worth measuring against is ourselves.

Look back to where you started and see your progress. Look back to even a year ago and see how much you've changed, how much you've learned, and how much you've improved.

For example, take this image of the gorgeous Kayleigh (left) from July last year which I still absolutely adore. I'd just set out focusing on light and striving to finally achieve that soft, dewy, highlighted look I've loved for years but been unable to replicate. And compare it to this very recent shoot with the gorgeous Grace (right).

I was so proud of the left lighting. It was the first time I think that I had felt I was on the right track of creating the sort of light I'd been dreaming of. It's not perfect light by any means but this was the start of the learning curve. I won't bore you with nerdy lighting things (if you have any questions feel free to message me!) but for the past year I've been working on replicating lovely window light with studio light and I'm so pleased with this shoot with Grace, I think it really shows how far I've come in this wee light journey.

But hey, I'm sure I'll look back on my most recent works in another few months with fresh eyes fuelled by new knowledge and see lots to improve upon... but getting better is half the fun, right? ^.^

Keep improving, always be a work in progress.

I hope you all have a wonderful week.

Lots of love,


p.s. - here is a sneaky wee look at my new portfolio site !


* on a Tuesday

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