Motivational Monday ♡ OPTIMISM

Monday, June 22, 2015

 source: pinterest

This weekend I found an old notepad, the one my fellow classmates all signed on the last day of High School. It's a lovely thing to have kept over the years, full of memories and well wishes. Although I managed to avoid reading it in it's entirety and wasting an hour or so reminiscing, I couldn't resist idly flicking through it with a smile. Then something caught my eye.

I noticed the entry from my favourite teacher and below her lovely message she had signed off with the words 'travel with optimism'. 

Such a simple yet beautiful sentiment. It's been playing on my mind ever since.

It's easy to focus on the negative, to be overly practical and to see the potential pitfalls in your plans and in your dreams. I know I often do. But you can choose to be optimistic. You can choose to hope and to strive and to aim for the stars.

So this is just a little Monday reminder from me to you- it will all work out. Good things are going to happen.

Travel with optimism.

Lots of love,

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